Are you aware of your electronic identity?

Social networks like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter are now very active than ever before. With a lot of members joining everyday, each one of us can have now a very wide network of friends, and people who know. This is because it became very easy to connect to anyone just by searching for their name or circle of connections. In addition, each and every minute you made a comment, like, subscribe, or share to a piece of data, this is includes videos, comics or even a simple text. in some websites like Facebook you can even share your daily feelings, pictures of you in different situations with information about your feelings and emotions during each shared info. In precise description, a website like Facebook can record, if you are helping enough with information, a diary of your feelings, emotions, what you like, and what you don't like, and it can build a description of you mode swings with detailed data about your daily behavior, it can also do facial and limbs recognition to interpret your inner feelings just from a picture of yourself. Can you imagine it? With enough details you are supplying the social network, it can know on which days you are going to be in a good mode, and which days are you cursed days. In brief, it can predict your response to the several situations in addition to your future actions.

Dating your dream girl

Now consider yourself dreaming to date some girl, she is very difficult to you, or used to be, may be, but I would tell you what, just succeeding adding her to your Social network circle can help you a lot to find the backdoor to invade her hard rock and make your way through her heart.

With good analysis of her daily posts, and activities on the social network, you can know which color she loves, which days are her luck ones, when she would have enough free time to talk to. You can know also about her hobbies, favorite meal, which kind of perfume and cafes she would be interested to spend time in. You know, a good analysis can lead you to the best gift she would accept without any resistance. Yes, social networks contain bulk of raw data, which if consolidated and processed well, could be critical to our lives.

The critical social network AI Agent

Till this point, we cannot claim that a social network is misusing our profiles and stored data. No one can prove it, yet no one can disprove it. What if there is an Artificial Intelligence software agent, AI Agent, that is reading the profiles of all users and has wide unlimited access to each and every piece of data. I am not saying this AI Agent is available, I am just assuming. If this AI Agent has enough artificial intelligence model, natural language processing capabilities, computer vision algorithms, and voice recognition it could process these bulks of data and interpret and predict more critical information about us.

A simple feature like Google tracking can make precise time table of your daily activities, and can expect when will you after an hour from now, given enough access to your daily location. Another feature of face recognition in Facebook can detect your face precisely within a group of people when you are in a certain location at certain moment of time. Now think about this scenario, when you mix those two pieces of information together; if this AI Agent for example is programmed to search for you on a certain date and certain time to capture your image in a certain place. It can then guide all the Android based mobiles to start their cameras silently at the locations identified by Google and start capturing certain images for the place, based on Facebook face recognition capabilities, it can detect you within a crowd of people. You are detected and identified my friend.

A brief about human awareness

Human awareness is one of the most complex physiological and psychological properties of humans in which a person is aware of himself, the world around it, and knows which is real and which is fake. A person awareness of himself is called self awareness and is developed at early states after birth, a person awareness of the surroundings and reality versus illusions is developed after long period of brain development after birth across time based on the person experiences and is called simply awareness.

The awareness of the human is concentrated into two categories or parts of the central nervous system of the human, the conscious and sub-conscious of the brain. The conscious of the brain is responsible of handling the voluntarily actions of the human while the subconscious is managing the voluntarily patterns which are already learnt by human and doesn't need anymore concentration of doing it. A major example of that is the habit of driving a car. At the beginning when the driver is learning, he is doing the actions of driving a car using the conscious part of his brain. After some while, when the driver get used to driving with a real desire and passion to learn it, the driving patterns become a habit, scientists found that humans who do driving as a habit are achieving this through the sub conscious part and the conscious part is no more involved in it but just approving or disapproving the actions done by the sub-conscious.

Impact of using social network for long time

Similarly, the actions we do on the social network like updating our status, or even checking the social network updates starts by a conscious actions the human is totally aware of it. After some time of continuous usage of the social network and the desire we find in it makes surfing the social network a habit which is done through the sub conscious which may include status updates, location check ins, etc..

Given that an AI Agent is doable and could be smart enough to interpret much information, this could be a great threat to our privacy and safety.

Self aware AI Agent .. The raise of the Skynet

Self awareness in humans is done through complex sub systems in the central nervous system. In Computer world, self awareness is still under research to define what is the self awareness first and then to decide how to provide a computer machine self awareness. In a self aware machine of the future, the computer would be able to know that it is a computer machine, and aware also of its capabilities, what threats threatening its existence, and may be also what knowledge it needs to get to be more stronger a much smarter.

Skynet is was an idea introduced in the Terminator series, in which a computer became self aware, and is able to learn from the connected networks. At some moment, Skynet detected that humans is a threat for its existence and it is better to get rid of them. This idea is not only explained in Terminator, but you can find it in many other films like i-Robot, Eagle eye, Matrix series, Thirteens floor and many other films. Although these films are identified as sci-fi films about Artificial intelligence, in my opinion we are not very far from reaching it, specifically for an idea like the one described in Eagle eye.

Eagle-eye from scratch

In Eagle-eye, many sci-fi technologies were brought together to show that a computer system can track humans to lead them to do terror crimes, assassination, controlling humans fait. A super computer machine, ARRIA, with unlimited privileges is able to find a suitable human agent to commit a mission to assassinate some targets and monitoring him through many daily used devices like surveillance cameras, cell phones, etc.. It even has used in some cases military drones to chase him. One of the tricks which was really amazing is how ARRIA was able to know what is Jerry Shaw (the hero of the film played by Shia LaBeouf) was saying when he was speaking near a coffee cup with coffee the vibration of the voice would change the reflection in the liquid surface ever so slightly. ARIIA picked up the sound from a room with this method using a surveillance camera. Scientists have in 2014 done something similar using a normal digital camera.

With the power given by the every day collected data by social networks, Self aware computer could even be able to role us and manage everything about our lives. This is not sci-fi but a real threat for us and it is actually very close to occur in my opinion. Social networks can recommend you advertisements based on your profile, what if they are able to know which dates and techniques most suitable to persuade you of a certain item? This is achievable, based on the profile stored, and in this case the social network could easily guide to buy or not to buy certain item for example based on showing you some messages based on an analysis for your profile, by the way this is a branch of nervous system science called sub-conscious reprogramming through visual effects.

I hope you may find my article to be useful to you, and I am opened to any comments, discussions, feedback, questions, and even ideas to discuss together about computer science and engineering.

Thanks for reading ;)


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