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Introduction to Muticore software design explained

Introduction Multi-core programming is the branch of computer science related to dealing with a processor where more one CPU core is available on the same processor chip. They are interacting together to give you powerful processing power. For multi-core system, there are several taxonomies for the system based on the building hardware cores for the system and the running software over these cores. In this post, we will describe two major different taxonomies, from point of hardware (Heterogeneous vs Homogeneous systems) and from point of view of the running software over the cores (Symmetric vs Asymmetric Multiprocessing systems). Figure 1. Generic multicore processor design, explains the general concept of Multicore processor Heterogeneous vs Homogeneous Heterogeneous and Homogeneous cores stands for the types of the cores found on the processor chip In Heterogeneous cores, the cores of the chip are different from each other, while in Homogeneous cores, the cores ar

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